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The Full Story

Ece Aksakoglu is the chef and the founder of Atelier D’EM, a unique kitchen that offers the most authentic, delicious and healthy food experience.

She was born and raised in Turkey, lived in Canada and recently moved to the Netherlands. She is an urban planner by training with master's degree. In order to serve rightly nutritious and 100% plant based food she obtained the Whole food plant based (WFPB) nutrition certificate from Cornell university.


15 years of trainer and project manager experience at NGOs, Ece left her career to pursue her true passion for plant-based creative cooking and created Atelier Racines in 2018 in Montreal, Canada. 

During the first four years, Ece focused on hosting pop-up dinners, catering for different festivals/events (Jardineries Montréal, Au pied du courant, Jardin de la pépinière) and private gatherings, attending local markets (Marché Angus, La brouette maraîchère) and offering vegan workshops (L’Armoire du haut, Santrapol Roulant, Maison d’Aurore) in order to showcase the most authentic food.

It is a family venture even though Ece is the entrepreneur and chef in the kitchen. 

Atelier racines was renamed to Atelier D’EM in 2022 after moving to Den Haag where our passion for culinary culture, plant-based food creation and good nutrition remains the same, always with a Turkish twist!

Looking forward to meeting all curious gourmets either through supper clubs, workshops or plant based nutrition support. 


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